
These are called  Osechi-ryori and are a traditional dish celebrating the New year. Each dish and ingredient in Osechi has meaning, such as good health, good harvest, happiness, prosperity long life and so on. Osechi-ryori are specially-prepared New year’s dishes to be eaten during the first three days of January. Osechi ryori is beautifully arranged in lacquer boxes.おせち 集合お重

for health

おせち みりん黒豆

おせち 甘酒なます

for represents fertility

おせち 切り干し大根松前漬け 塩麹数の子



おせち 塩麹の蒸し海老

for longevity

おせち 塩麹黒豆にぎり

おせち れんこん味噌焼き

おせち 栗きんとん

おせち 苺の淡雪かん

Miso soup!

We have many kind of mushroom in Japan. And they are seasonal food right now! I made Japanese mushroom and sweet potato miso soup. It is so tasty because this miso is homemade one! Taste and aroma are totally different!


Easy baked apple!

This baked apple is very easy to make! If you don’t have enough time, I recommend to use a microwave.

Dig out 1/3 on the apple with a small knife. Put 1 tsp raisin, 1 tbsp granulated sugar,pinch of cinnamon powder and 10g  unsalted butter in an apple in order.

Put the apple on a heat- resistant dish and cover it with plastic film. Heat it with microwave for 5 minutes. Be careful not to be burn!

焼きりんご そのまま

Homemade corn soup!

Corn is in season in Japan. I love to eat ‘Corn on the cob’ , but I made  delicious corn soup last night! It was a hard work a little. Because it was necessary to strain using a strainer. It was incredibly delicious. It made me happy!


